Poultry & Animal Health
The Poultry and Animal Health Section of the Delaware Department of Agriculture is committed to protect the health of domestic animal and avian species from the introduction and spread of infectious and contagious diseases, including those transmissible to the human population.
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Education Programs The Delaware Department of Agriculture provides a wide range of educational programs for both students and adults to improve the public’s understanding and appreciation of agriculture. Student and Teachers The Department of Agriculture offers multiple programs to help foster and increase agricultural literacy for Delaware’s students. These programs include: The Forest Service provides […]
Read MoreLicenses & Permits
The Delaware Department of Agriculture issues a variety of licenses and permits, including Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO), timber harvest permits and exotic animal permits. The full list of licenses and permits include: Farming The Nutrient Management Commission assists farmers with obtaining Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) permits and can answer questions about current regulations […]
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