Spotted Lanternfly Management
When managing the spotted lanternfly, you need to focus on two areas – vegetation management and destroying any life stage of the spotted lanternfly. Tree of Heaven The tree of heaven is an important food source, and eliminating this invasive helps decrease the spotted lanternfly population. This is a tree often seen in industrial parks, […]
Read MoreReporting Spotted Lanternfly
How to Report a Sighting The Department no longer request sighting reports for spotted lanternfly (SLF) since populations have been detected throughout the entire state. In the beginning it was very important for the public to provide sighting reports and we would like to thank you for the support. Staff has confirmed SLF in all […]
Read MoreSpotted Lanternfly Quarantine
On February 28, 2019, the Delaware Department of Agriculture signed Emergency Regulations for Spotted Lanternfly that enacted a quarantine for this pest. The spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicata, threatens Delaware and the United States. This insect is a destructive, invasive plant hopper that attacks many hosts, including forests, ornamental trees, orchards, hops, and grapes. This insect […]
Read MoreSpotted Lanternfly
What is the Spotted Lanternfly? The spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicata, threatens Delaware and the United States. This insect is detrimental to Delaware’s agricultural industries, the environment, and residential areas, and impacts interstate commerce. This insect is a destructive, invasive plant hopper that attacks many hosts, including forests, ornamental trees, orchards, hops, and grapes. In 2017, […]
Read MoreForest Health
The Delaware Forest Service provides a wide range of services to help Delawareans manage and improve their forest resources.
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