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Delaware Department of

Sections & Commissions

The mission of the Delaware Department of Agriculture is to sustain and promote the viability of food, fiber, and agricultural industries in Delaware through quality services that protect and enhance the environment, health and welfare of the general public. The agency includes the following sections:


Aglands Preservation & Planning promotes farmland preservation through the Delaware Agriculture Lands Preservation. More than 121,000 acres of farmland are now permanently preserved for future generations.


Agriculture Compliance provides services to ensure the accuracy of label guarantees for animal feeds, pet foods, fertilizers, soil conditioners, and liming materials. These services include reviews of product labels, marketplace inspections, and laboratory analysis. Laboratory testing services are also provided to the public for samples of animal manures, feeds, and fertilizers.


Communications & Marketing serves as the primary contact for public and media inquiries, manages the Department’s website, and promotes Delaware’s agricultural products via advertising, publications and special events. The team provides growers, food processors and agribusinesses with marketing assistance and services for commodities and products.


The Delaware Forest Service helps Delawareans conserve, protect and enhance their forest resources. Staff members manage Delaware’s three State Forests; run an Urban and Community Forestry Program to assist communities and homeowners with urban forestry projects; and administers the Forestland Preservation Program. The Forest Service also offers Smokey Bear, Project Learning Tree and other education programs. Professional foresters provide financial and technical assistance to communities for urban forestry projects.


The Delaware Harness Racing Commission regulates this sport by upholding the rules and regulations of harness racing as set by the Delaware Code.


Delaware Standardbred Breeders’ Fund oversees and maintains records and funds pertaining to the breeding of Standardbred horses in a state racing program and promotes Standardbred activities and sales of state bred yearlings.


Food Products Inspection oversees and inspects all meat and poultry products to protect the consumer from food borne diseases. State inspectors provide inspection services for both State and USDA Federal red-meat slaughter and processing plants. Inspectors also provide grading verification for poultry and eggs and grading services for Delaware’s fruit and vegetable growers and brokers.


Nutrient Management manages activities involving the generation and application of nutrients in order to help maintain and improve the quality of Delaware’s ground and surface waters to help meet or exceed federally mandated water quality standards.


Pesticides regulates pesticide distribution, use storage, sales and disposal, and conducts public recycling programs for empty commercial pesticide containers. It focuses on regulation of products used to control pests (weeds, insects, bacteria, fungi, rodents); the prevention of adverse human health effects from pesticide exposure, and the protection of the environment, animals and property from pesticide injury or damage.


Plant Industries prevents the introduction, establishment and spread of plant and honeybee pests and performs grain and seed inspections. It serves farmers, beekeepers, nursery growers and dealers, fruit growers, university and industry researchers, grain elevator operators, consumers, and agricultural product exporters.


Poultry & Animal Health protects domestic animals and poultry from the spread of infectious diseases, including those transmissible to humans.


The Thoroughbred Racing Commission regulates this sport by upholding the rules and regulations of thoroughbred racing as set by Delaware code.


Weights & Measures safeguards the public against fraud during transactions that require weighing, measuring and or counting, including gas pumps, grocery scales and home fuel delivery trucks, and also inspects food labels for accurate weight and count.

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