Due to staffing responsibilities at the Delaware State Fair, the Poultry and Animal Health Section will not conduct fecal sample analysis until July 30, 2024. Contact your local veterinarian for their testing protocol in the interim. More Info

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On-Farm Kitchens

Adopted in 2006, the On-Farm Home Processing of Non-Potentially Hazardous Foods regulations were established to allow farm families the ability to process non-potentially hazardous foods in their on-farm home kitchens for sale to the public at farmers’ markets recognized by the Department, on their farm or at a roadside stand on or near their farm.

Members of the farm family who will be producing non-potentially hazardous items must attend training identified by the Delaware Department of Agriculture to learn how to

identify potentially hazardous and non-potentially hazardous foods; understand food-borne pathogens and ways to control them; reduce the risk of food-borne illness; evaluate their plan for controlling potential microbial problems; and understand state regulations on farm-produced, non-potentially hazardous food items. Once the participants take the training and pass a written test, the Food Products Inspection staff conducts an on-farm kitchen inspection. If the kitchen passes inspection, food will be allowed to be produced in accordance with Delaware regulations.


Non-Potentially Hazardous Foods

In an on-farm kitchen, the person on the farm producing food items that are non-potentially hazardous foods, are limited to:

  • Baked breads, cakes, muffins, or cookies with a water activity of .85 or less
  • Candy (non-chocolate)
  • Containerized fruit preparations consisting of jellies, jams, preserves, marmalades, and fruit butters with an equilibrated pH of 4.6 or less or a water activity of 0.85 or less;
  • Fruit pies with an equilibrated pH of 4.6 or less;
  • Herbs in vinegar with an equilibrated pH of 4.6 or less;
  • Honey and herb mixtures; and
  • Dried fruit and vegetables;
  • Spices or herbs
  • Maple syrup and sorghum
  • Snack items such as popcorn, caramel corn, and peanut brittle
  • Roasted nuts

Potentially Hazardous Foods

While operating an on-farm kitchen, the person responsible may not process potentially hazardous foods for commercial sale such as:

  • Low-acid canned foods, such as home-canned or jarred fruits, vegetables, pickled products, sauces, relishes;
  • Cream, custard, pumpkin, meat, or other single-crust pies or cream or cheese-filled baked goods;
  • Cured or fermented foods;
  • Seafood; or
  • Apple cider or other juices.


Labeling of product made is required by law and is extremely important for trace backs in case of food-borne illnesses and to allow the consumer to review the ingredients in case of any food-related concerns that may affect their well-being. Compliance inspectors within the Delaware Department of Agriculture check for labels and can require products to be removed from sale if the labeling is not done correctly. In order for a product to be considered properly labeled it must include the following:

  • Name of product
  • Name and address of manufacturer
  • Ingredients listed in decreasing order by weight
  • Net weight or unit count
  • The following statement in ten (10) point type: “This product is home-produced and processed”
  • The date the product was processed.

Food products identified as non-potentially hazardous in these regulations and not labeled in accordance with subsection (9.1) of the regulations are deemed misbranded.

Food products identified above as non-potentially hazardous foods and are produced, processed, and labeled in accordance with the On-Farm Home Processing of Non-Potentially Hazardous Foods regulations are acceptable food products that may only be offered for sale by farmers’ markets, roadside produce stands, or the processor’s farm.

Getting Permitted

Before an on-farm kitchen can apply and receive a permit, the farm owner must:

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