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 Pages Tagged With: "Quarantine"

Reporting Spotted Lanternfly

How to Report a Sighting The Department no longer request sighting reports for spotted lanternfly (SLF) since populations have been detected throughout the entire state. In the beginning it was very important for the public to provide sighting reports and we would like to thank you for the support. Staff has confirmed SLF in all […]

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Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine

On February 28, 2019, the Delaware Department of Agriculture signed Emergency Regulations for Spotted Lanternfly that enacted a quarantine for this pest. The spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicata, threatens Delaware and the United States. This insect is a destructive, invasive plant hopper that attacks many hosts, including forests, ornamental trees, orchards, hops, and grapes. This insect […]

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Spotted Lanternfly

What is the Spotted Lanternfly? The spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicata, threatens Delaware and the United States. This insect is detrimental to Delaware’s agricultural industries, the environment, and residential areas, and impacts interstate commerce. This insect is a destructive, invasive plant hopper that attacks many hosts, including forests, ornamental trees, orchards, hops, and grapes. In 2017, […]

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Plant Protection & Quarantine

The mission of the Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) Plant Industries Section is to prevent the introduction, establishment, or spread of plant and honeybee pests, and suppress, control, abate, or eradicate those pests that are dangerously injurious to the agricultural, horticultural, and forestry interests of the state; enforce the Plant Pests Law, the Nurseries and Nursery Stock Law, the Noxious Weeds Law and DDA Rules & Regulations for Noxious Weed Control, the Beekeeping Law, the Seed Law, and Grain Testing Devices Law; regulate, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), agricultural biotechnology research; provide export certification and inspection services for exporters of Delaware agricultural plants and plant products; and provide seed certification, seed testing services, and inspection services for harvested grains.

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