Sunday hunting is prohibited on all State Forest property More Info
For participation in the Association of Racing Commissioners International (ARCI) or the National Racing License programs, Delaware participants are asked to complete an additional packet of documents that are required by the Delaware Park race track and the Delaware Thoroughbred Racing Commission (DTRC). These documents must be completed in their entirety and attached to the application for an owner’s license. The forms must be completed and printed.
The Delaware Council on Gambling Problems offers confidential assistance to gamblers, their families, and to those who are concerned about a friend or colleague. The Council provides literature, support meeting information, treatment information, and 24-hour help. Speakers are available for community groups and for professional training. HELPLINE 888-850-8888
Related Topics: applications, arabian racing, commission, fraud, gambling, horses, Licenses, Licenses and applications, oversight, races, racing, thoroughbred