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Delaware Department of

Nutrient Management Recordkeeping

Red tractor with manure spreader against a blue sky with white puffy clouds in a no-til fieldOverview

Record keeping is required for any operation covered under the Nutrient Management Law. RecordsĀ of implementation are required to be maintained and available for inspection for a period of up to 6 years for all operation types, including CAFOs.

Records to be Recorded and Maintained (As applicable to your operation)

  • Manure Export/Transportation Records: dates, approximate quantities, locations, disposition (stored, shipped, etc.), and receiver information of manure applied to land or transported from land owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the operator
  • Land application Record: dates, location(s), approximate quantities, acreage, crop type, and application method for manure and/or fertilizer applications (nitrogen and/or phosphorus)
  • Crops planted, yields, and plant matter (grain, silage, etc.) removed
  • Manure and soil analysis results and recommendations


Additional CAFO Recordkeeping Requirements

  • Mortality management records, including the number of disposed and method of disposal
  • Manure storage activities, length of storage, amount stored, and maintenance of manure storage facilities
  • Manure analysis that was completed on or before the date of transfer (as indicated on the Manure Export/transport record)
  • Land application records as outlined above, plus weather conditions at the time of application, 24 hours before and 24 after application
  • Records indicating periodic inspections and maintenance of land application equipment for leaks
  • LARGE CAFO operations shall document any deficiencies found within the land application area and/or necessary corrective actions resulting from the inspection conducted and the dates deficiencies were corrected. Deficiencies shall be corrected in 30 days or be accompanied by an explanation of factors preventing immediate correction.


Recordkeeping Sheets

All Record Keeping requirements above are broken down into five (5) different recordkeeping sheets we have made available for you below:


To contact the Nutrient Management Program, email or call 302-698-4558.

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