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Delaware Department of Agriculture
Delaware Nutrient Management Program
2320 South DuPont Highway
Dover, Delaware 19901
Business Phone: (302) 698-4558 (Nutrient Management)
Business Phone: (302) 698-4500 (DDA Receptionist)
Business Phone: (800) 282-8685 (Toll-Free)
Business Fax: (302) 661-7207
Program Administrator, Chris Brosch
Business Phone: (302) 698-4555
Administrative Specialist, Julia Moore
Business Phone: (302) 698-4558
Environmental Scientist, Brooke Walls
Business Phone: (302) 698-4627
Environmental Scientist, Clint Gill
Business Phone: (302) 698-4557
Environmental Scientist, Aaron Givens
Business Phone: (302) 698-4628
F. Kenneth Blessing, Jr., Commission Chairman was appointed by the Senate to represent Kent County vegetable farmers. He was named the Chairman by the Governor. He can be reached at (302) 422-5746.
D. Mark Adkins was appointed by the President Pro Tempore, Senator David P. Sokola, to represent poultry farmers. He can be reached at (302) 245-3835.
Alan Bailey was appointed by the Senate Pro Tempore as a representative of the Dairy industry. He can be reached at (302) 245-3150.
Tyler Brown is the Conservation Programs Section’s Environmental Program Administrator in the Division of Watershed Stewardship of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. He can be reached at (302) 855-1931.
Anna Fagan, Deputy Director at the DE Center for the Inland Bays, was appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate to represent environmental organizations. She can be reached at (302) 226-8105.
Shawn Garvin, Secretary of the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, is an ex-officio member of the Commission. He can be reached at (302) 739-9000.
Laura Hill was appointed by the House of Representatives to represent Sussex County vegetable farmers. She can be reached at (302) 945-0725.
Ken Horeis was appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives to represent the equine industry. He can be reached at (302) 270-2648.
Wayne Hudson was appointed by the House Minority Leader as the Commercial Nutrient Applicator representative. He can be reached at (410) 543-3919.
Larry Jester was appointed by the Senate as a representative of the New Castle County grain industry. He can be reached at (302) 547-8462.
Todd (Tak) Keen, was appointed by the Senate as a Nutrient Consultant. Tak can be reached at (302) 645-7883.
Garry Killmon, a Sussex County citizen, was appointed by the Governor as a representative of the public. He can be reached at (302) 236-3742.
Jon Nichols Jr. was appointed by the Governor as a representative of the commercial nursery industry. He can be reached at (302) 697-2200.
Bud O’Neill was appointed by the Governor as a representative for the golf course/lawn care industry. He can be reached at (302) 653-8618.
Michael T. Scuse, Secretary of the Delaware Department of Agriculture, is an ex-officio member of the Commission. He can be reached at (302) 698-4500.
Jennifer Singh is Legal Counsel for the Commission.
Sandi Spiegel, Division of Public Health, is an ex-officio member of the Commission. She can be reached at (302) 744-4842.
Scott Webb was appointed by the House of Representatives to represent Kent County. He can be reached at (302) 381-0402.
Related Topics: commission, contact, nutrient management, Nutrient Management Commission, nutrient management staff, nutrients