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Delaware Department of

Pesticide Business Licenses

The following summary sets forth the requirements of the Delaware Pesticide Law and the rules and regulations promulgated for its administration as they pertain to Pesticide Applicator Business Licenses.

Complete the process to obtain a Delaware Pesticide Business License using our online Salesforce application or download the Business License Application.


Qualifying for a License

A pesticide business license is required to engage in the business of applying pesticides to the property of another within this state for compensation. Business Licensing Information and Requirements.

Any person who applies pesticides on or at a premise he/she owns, leases, or operates; veterinarians or physicians in their professional service; and research personnel applying pesticides to bona fide experimental plots.

Become a Certified Commercial Applicator in one or more categories of pest control and at least one of the certified applicators must have a minimum of two years practical experience under the supervision of a certified applicator. This experience shall have been acquired during the previous three year period, and shall be related to the license classification at issue. This requirement applies to aerial applicators and the structural pest control industry (Categories 7A, 7B, and 7C) only. Please provide proof of two years of practical experience if the application is for any of these categories of pest control.

  • Complete online application through Salesforce.
  • If completing a paper application:
    • Fill in all parts of the application form (indicate “N/A” if not applicable)
    • Type or neatly print the requested information
    • Indicate categories in which you are applying for a license
    • Complete signature portion and get application notarized
  • Submit the appropriate fees (pay online or make checks payable to: Delaware Department of Agriculture)

All Pesticide Business Licenses expire on December 31 or upon the expiration of the liability insurance policy for the company. Notices for renewal are e-mailed and/or mailed out by our office no later than October 1 of each year. License renewals received after January 1 are assessed a late penalty fee of 20%.

Businesses licensed in Ornamental and Turf (Category 3), Right-of-Way (Category 6), and the Industrial, Instructional, Structural, and Health-Related categories; General Pest Control; Wood Destroying Pest Control; Fumigation (non-agricultural); Wood Preservatives; Institutional and Maintenance’ Cooling Towers; and Miscellaneous (Category 7) must mark their service vehicles with the Business Name and Pesticide Business License number in bold and readable numbers, not less than 2 inches or more than 6 inches high. The license number should be displayed as DDA Lic. No. # # # #.

All employees applying or handling pesticides must be registered. The following information should be forwarded with the appropriate fees to the Department:

  • Name and Address
  • Birth Date

A photograph must be applied to the identification card carried by the employee and/or the employer.

Applications for registering employees are provided upon request. Within 30 days of terminating an employee written notification must be provided to the Delaware Department of Agriculture.

Each licensee is responsible for ensuring that all employees who handle pesticides (other than a Certified Applicator) have successfully completed a training program approved by the Department. Such training must be completed within 45 days of employment and before the employee is registered with the Department. Upon request by the Department, each licensee shall provide written verification that an employee has completed an approved training program.

The following categories of Pesticide Business Licenses include any business which applies pesticides as follows:

1A Agricultural Plant Pest Control – use of pesticides in the production of agricultural crops as well as on grassland and non-crop agricultural lands
1B Agricultural Animal Pest Control – use of pesticides on animals or in animal confines, Doctors of Veterinary Medicine applying pesticides on large scale
1C Fumigation of Soil and Agricultural Products – use of pesticides for soil fumigation in the production of an agricultural commodity and/or for fumigation of agricultural products in storage or transit
02 Forest Pest Control – in forests, forest nurseries, and forest seed producing areas
03 Ornamental and Turf Pest Control – in the maintenance of ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, and turf
04 Seed Treatment – on seeds
5A Aquatic Pest Control/Aquatic Weeds – to standing or running waters
5B Antifouling Paints – for the maintenance of boat hulls
5C Mosquito Control
06 Right of Way Pest Control – in the maintenance of public roads, electric power lines, pipelines, railway right-of-way, or other similar areas
7 Industrial, Institutional, Structural, and Health-Related Pest Control – in, on, or around food-handling establishments, human dwellings, institutions such as schools and hospitals, industrial establishment including warehouses, grain elevators and food-processing plants; and any other structures and adjacent areas; and for the protection of stored, processed, or manufactured products

Proof of financial security is required and must contain a general liability insurance policy with completed operation coverage or certification thereof from an insurance company or risk retention group.

  • Insurance Coverage – liability insurance shall provide coverage which includes all of the following:
    1. Not less than $300,000 bodily injury or death for each occurrence
    2. Not less than $100,000 property damage for each occurrence

At a minimum, a licensee must keep the following information for two years for each pesticide application. Each record must contain the following:

  1. Brand name of the pesticide and EPA registration number
  2. Dilution rate and the amount applied per area (e.g., gallons/A)
  3. Date and specific area treated
  4. The pest to be controlled
  5. The applicator’s full name
  6. Weather conditions when drift precautions are listed on the label

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