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Delaware Department of

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything You Wanted to Know About Pesticide Applicator Training, Certification and Recertification in Delaware:

Anyone buying or using a restricted use pesticide must be certified by the Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA).

Anyone in the business of applying pesticides, either restricted use or general use to the land or property of another must be certified and obtain a Pesticide Business License from the Delaware Department of Agriculture. Application of soil termiticides must be conducted by a commercial applicator, on-site, with a valid (7B) category designation.

Private Applicator: Successfully pass the private applicator/core exam.
Commercial applicator: Successfully pass the core exam and category exam(s).
Exams are given every 45 days at the Ag Education Building located at the Delaware State Fairgrounds. Please review the Pesticide Testing Program for the Certified Applicator Exam Instructions and Schedule or directions to the exam site. You can sign up for the exam by accessing the Pesticide Management Online Services page or by submitting the Exam Application Form for Certification. For assistance, contact Kenda Galipo via phone at (302) 698-4571.

Private Applicators are the producers of agricultural commodities and apply restricted-use pesticides to land that is owned or rented by them or their employer.
All other restricted-use or general- use pesticide applicators that apply to the land of others are considered commercial applicators.
The core manual and core manual review outline are both are available online or for purchase at DDA, along with your specific category manual(s). Order blanks are also available online or by contacting Kenda Galipo via phone at (302) 698-4571. All manuals can be purchased online using a credit card by accessing the Pesticide Management Online Services or by completing the Pesticide Manual Order Form, submit in person with payment to the Delaware Department of Agriculture (Location: 2320 South DuPont Highway, Dover Delaware 19901) via cash, check, money order, or credit card. Pick up your manuals and save the postage!


Study your manuals and practice the review questions and calibration problems. All Delaware Pesticide exams are closed book. Calculators are provided to perform calculations during the test. NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES PERMITTED (i.e. cell phones, iPads, etc.).

Initial certification and training is accomplished by self-study manuals or available as online training.  The core manual with review questions and practice exams are available from the National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual website. All Private and Commercial Applicators must take the Private/Core examination initially to either become certified or as a prerequisite for commercial category examinations. The Pesticide Applicator Core Study Guide is available online also.

Recertification and training can be accomplished for any Delaware pre-approved courses. This training is available online from the Pesticides website. This site allows the option to perform a variety of database searches by course title, date of course, license category, etc.

Private Applicator certifications are valid for three years. In order to maintain the certification, the applicator must obtain three Continuing Education Credits over a three year period.
Private Applicator re-certification is available by re-taking the exam or obtain the required three Continuing Education Credits. Re-certification courses must be approved by the Delaware Department of Agriculture. Currently, there is no charge for Private Applicator certification.
Commercial Applicator certification renewal is required on an annual basis, and re-certification is based on specific category credit requirements for any three year cycle. See “How Many Hours Do I Need”?

Private applicators certification must be renewed every 3 years and requires 3 Continuing Education Credits for every 3 year period. Fifty minutes of class room instruction/training equals one re-certification hour if required content is pre-approved by the Delaware Department of Agriculture.

Commercial applicators certification must be renewed every year and requires the following Continuing Education Credits for any 3 year cycle dependent on the applicator’s category or categories in which certification is to be maintained:

  • Agricultural Plant (1A) 8 Hr
  • Agricultural Animal (1B) 4 Hr
  • Fumigation of Soils
  • Ag Commodities (1C) 4 Hr
  • Forest (02) 4 Hr
  • Ornamental & Turf (03) 8 Hr
  • Seed Treatment (04) 2 Hr
  • Aquatic (5A) 4 Hr
  • Antifouling Paint (5B)
  • Mosquito (5C) 4 Hr
  • Right-of-Way (06) 4 Hr
  • Industrial, Institutional,
  • Structural & Health Related (07)
  • General Pest Control (7A) 18 Hr
  • Wood Destroying Pest Cntrl (7B) 18 Hr
  • Fumigation (non-agricultural) (7C) 4 Hr
  • Wood Preservative (7D) 4 Hr
  • Institutional and Maintenance (7E) 18 Hr
  • Cooling Towers (7F) 4 Hr
  • Public Health (08) 4 Hr
  • Regulatory (09) 4 Hr
  • Demonstration & Research (10) 8 Hr

There are many ways to obtain recertification credits for your license renewal.  Any pre-approved courses are available for view online at the following link:

Available annually, primary courses are offered every January by the Delaware Cooperative Extension during Ag Week at the Delaware State Fair Grounds in Harrington, Delaware. The Delaware Nursery and Landscape Association offers “Ornamental and Turf” training with a variety of category re-certification approvals. In February, the Delaware Pest Control Association offers a two-day meeting that awards credits primarily in categories 7A and 7B; however, each year’s agenda may vary.

Subscribe to or use this link to your county Cooperative Extension Horticultural Short Course for current meeting announcements.

Possibly. If you’ve attended a pesticide re-certification program within the past 60 days that was not pre-approved, you may still be able to get credit. The Department will need a copy of the meetings attended, a “timed” program agenda, a biography of each speaker, a complete meeting location and date, as well as attendance verification. This information must be submitted to the Delaware Department of Agriculture, Pesticides Section, 2320 South DuPont Hwy., Dover, Delaware 19901. Please provide your contact information for possible re-certification approval. Re-certification training programs must be at least 50 minutes in length and include specific category-related information such as pesticide safety, pesticides and the environment, pest information, label comprehension, personal protective equipment, methods of control, integrated pest management, or other applicable information. No courses will be considered if the required information is absent.

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